What does the slang term rough trade mean

Why would an ambassador's wife take on some rough trade with a guy she couldn't have known? Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002). Jude had to do� rough trade definition: tough, brutal, or sadistic homosexual men, esp. when available for casual sexual activity

a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively. violent, often brutal sex acts. a lower-class man who is found� 19 Nov 2012 rough male homosexual sex. Citation from "Episode 2", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's� 11 Mar 2020 rough trade definition: male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance What is the pronunciation of rough trade? (slang) Rough or tough men, either gay or straight, who are available as casual sexual partners for other men (for example in exchange for money). quotations� Why would an ambassador's wife take on some rough trade with a guy she couldn't have known? Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002). Jude had to do� rough trade definition: tough, brutal, or sadistic homosexual men, esp. when available for casual sexual activity

(slang) Rough or tough men, either gay or straight, who are available as casual sexual partners for other men (for example in exchange for money). quotations�

19 Nov 2012 rough male homosexual sex. Citation from "Episode 2", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's� 11 Mar 2020 rough trade definition: male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance What is the pronunciation of rough trade? (slang) Rough or tough men, either gay or straight, who are available as casual sexual partners for other men (for example in exchange for money). quotations� Why would an ambassador's wife take on some rough trade with a guy she couldn't have known? Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002). Jude had to do�

"rough trade" is a slang term for a masculine working class man who has sex with men (sometimes as a male prostitute)

Trade (also known as chow) is a gay slang term which refers to the casual partner of a gay man payment or through other, more subtle means (gifts, tuition payments, etc.) Often, the terms trade and rough trade are treated as synonymous. "rough trade" is a slang term for a masculine working class man who has sex with men (sometimes as a male prostitute)

5 Oct 2019 Building trade professionals all approach the rough-in with the expectation that the installation is final, not a work-in-progress. The same should�

a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively. violent, often brutal sex acts. a lower-class man who is found� 19 Nov 2012 rough male homosexual sex. Citation from "Episode 2", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's� 11 Mar 2020 rough trade definition: male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance What is the pronunciation of rough trade? (slang) Rough or tough men, either gay or straight, who are available as casual sexual partners for other men (for example in exchange for money). quotations� Why would an ambassador's wife take on some rough trade with a guy she couldn't have known? Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002). Jude had to do� rough trade definition: tough, brutal, or sadistic homosexual men, esp. when available for casual sexual activity

23 May 2019 rough trade. n. slang (in homosexual use) a tough or violent sexual partner, esp a lorry driver, construction worker, or docker, casually picked�

a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively. violent, often brutal sex acts. a lower-class man who is found� 19 Nov 2012 rough male homosexual sex. Citation from "Episode 2", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's� 11 Mar 2020 rough trade definition: male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance What is the pronunciation of rough trade?

11 Mar 2020 rough trade definition: male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance What is the pronunciation of rough trade?